The importance of regular mealtimes [Nutrition post]

Many people like to focus on the small details of nutrition and food, but maybe forget the larger picture.  Often times people focus on amount of protein they eat, or how gmany rams of carbohydrates they eat, or how much salt is in their food…. But maybe forget about the bigger picture such as, eating … More The importance of regular mealtimes [Nutrition post]

Protein powder as a vegan

As a vegan, is it necessary to consume protein powder? No, using protein powder isn’t necessary. This applies to everyone, meat eaters and vegans. So why use protein powder if it isn’t necessary? Because it is a cheap source of protein and a quick and easy snack to consume as post workout. So first off, if … More Protein powder as a vegan

Superfoods – what are they, and do we need to eat them?

Let’s talk superfoods – one of the hypes and trends in social media and nutrition. It feels like the hype towards superfoods is slightly dying, or maybe that is just in my social media circle and following. People are realising that you don’t need to spend money on superfoods to be healthy and live a … More Superfoods – what are they, and do we need to eat them?

Intuitive eating: Is it really intuitive if…..?

Intuitive eating…. that should be the eating goal for everyone. However intuitive eating is sort of trendy now… but people seem to forget what intuitive eating actually is. It means listening to your body. Eating when you are hungry, stopping when you are full. It’s mindful eating. Intuitive eating isnt for everyone, especially not if … More Intuitive eating: Is it really intuitive if…..?

Learn to love your body, no matter how it looks

Learning self love and body love takes time.. .it definitely doesn’t happen over night. It can sometimes feel like a continuous journey, reminding yourself to love yourself, to embrace your so called “flaws” and work on getting better/improving certain traits. These past 2 days i have been reminded that self love doesn’t lie in appearance … More Learn to love your body, no matter how it looks